Mon compte Loop Mobile | Revendeur en ligne de smartphones reconditionnés

Loop Mobile opère en Royaume-Uni (UK), en Europe, en Amérique et en Australie comme revendeur en ligne de smartphones reconditionnés et d’accessoires High-tech, similaire à Back Market.

L’ouverture d’un compte Loop Mobile en ligne vous permet de bénéficier d’une large gamme de téléphones à des prix avantageux, ainsi que d’un processus de commande simplifié et d’un suivi complet de vos achats, moyens de paiement, retours et remboursements depuis votre espace client.

Découvrez comment vous connecter à votre compte Loop Mobile, accéder à ses services internet, et contacter le service client ou le SAV pour toute question ou réclamation.

Mon compte en ligne Loop Mobile

Similar to Manomano’s online customer account, Loop Mobile’s customer space allows you to make purchases as easily as in-store, manage your orders, and make payments from any device.

Once your order is confirmed, your personal space allows you to track your parcel and modify the delivery address if needed. In case of a defective item, you can also return it and request a refund or an exchange.

Accéder à mon espace client en ligne

To enjoy these benefits at your fingertips, connect securely to your online account from any device by visiting and filling in your email and password on the login form.

If you’re not yet registered, create an account under the same section. Click on « S’inscrire » and fill in the registration form with the required fields.

If you encounter a login problem such as a forgotten password, click on the corresponding link at the bottom of the authentication form to recover it.

Contacting Loop Mobile Customer Service and Support

The Loop Mobile customer service is available through various contact methods. You can call a technical or commercial assistant by dialing the number +44 20 3769 9490. The +44 prefix is the dialing code for the UK.

A lire :  Suppression de profil et de compte, rétractation

Alternatively, you can email the customer support at

In addition to email, it’s possible to contact Loop Mobile online via the contact form. Simply visit the « Nous contacter » section and fill in the form with the required information to express your inquiry or complaint.

For further details on payment, return, and shipping procedures, don’t hesitate to check the « FAQ » section. You will find a set of frequently asked questions by customers.

Finally, the customer service receives postal mail at the following headquarters address:

Loop-Mobile, Monasterevin Road, R51A262, Kildare, IE

Avis sur ce revendeur de téléphones d’occasion

Loop Mobile is considered a leader in the online market for refurbished phones, offering quality devices built with original manufacturer parts at competitive prices.

On the internet, Loop Mobile is rated as a reliable site with approximately 3000 reviews, where 72% of users have given it a rating of 4/5.

Positive reviews particularly commend the speedy shipping, product performance, and excellent value for money.

How would you rate this refurbished phone seller? Feel free to share your review on Loop Mobile in the comments below.

Hélène, fière autrice
Depuis plus d'une décennie, ma passion dévorante pour l'entreprenariat m'anime sans relâche. Mon objectif ardent est de révolutionner la communication des entreprises à travers mes articles de blog où je partage avec enthousiasme mes précieux conseils et expériences.

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